Tuesday, December 09, 2003

3 miles this morning to the school and back.

Monday, December 08, 2003

3 miles on the treadmill; really cold out this morning.

Friday, December 05, 2003

I didn't run this morning but I might later on today. Everything on my body is sore. I can barely rotate or flex either of my feet without pain. Also, searing pain shows up temporarily at odd times in my legs, hips, or back. I know that this will go away after a couple of weeks. There's a spot on my right leg where I have no feeling whatsoever. I'm guessing that this is the spot where the bloodclot is going to come from.
Ran for 45 minutes this morning. Yesterday I had to leave home early in the morning, so I didn't run. I planned to run last night, but got home late after getting lost driving from Peachtree City.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

This morning Molly & I ran 2.8 miles at 5am. Rick didn't want to run and lifted weights at the gym instead.