I've had arch pain before and I've resolved it using the Sorbothane Rigid Arch insole. I'll try that and see what happens.

Today was weights this morning at 5, then swimming at lunch and a run tonight. I'm still working on my abs, which I've been doing since May, but with an added motivation now after reading this article on General David Petraeus in Runner's World magazine. I think it's going to take me a full year to match that ab routine he's doing. Just amazing.
I hope the arch injury is not serious. It is a bummer to have something like that slow your training plans. Still struggling through the Masters swimming class. Tough!
Hey Mike, sorry to hear about the foot injury - hope you get over it quickly and don't miss too many miles.
Thanks for the kind thoughts!
It was the weirdest thing, I had run a couple of miles and all of a sudden, I felt a really big "twang" in my right arch- like the ligament or whatever had just snapped apart. Bizarre. Never felt anything like it before.
I kept running, on the outside of that foot, but woke up later that night in pretty bad pain. I'm trusting that the sorbothane rigid arch insoles will support my arch enough to allow me keep running and to do some long runs between now and March.
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