Saturday, October 07, 2006


Long Run

The Riverwalk was awesome this morning. I started at 6:50 am, while it was still dark. Full moon, lighted path except for the covered bridge, which was dark & creepy. At one point I could see the full moon setting while the sun was coming up. Cooler weather. Here are the splits:

1 10:06
2 9:44
3 9:45
4 9:47
5 9:49
6 10:00
7 9:38 (turnaround pt = end of golf course fence)
8 10:23
9 10:24
10 9:38
11 9:53
12 8:48
13 9:00
14 8:56
~~ 9:08

average pace= 9:42 total miles: 14.18 calories burned = 2087

I used Hammer Gel, which I get in the 20 oz bottle at Mike's Bikes here in Columbus, every 3 miles, you can see where I started to sag a little but did OK the last 4.18 miles. Good run, feel OK, it's my longest run in the past 10 years. Hooah! :-)

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