Tuesday, October 03, 2006


new MP3 player

2nd day with my new iPod Nano... the 4th mp3 player I've had. I think I have a sweating problem :-) I bought the water-resistant Nike armband for this and hope that this player will last longer than the others. I copied all my running songs to the new player, set up my playlist and off I went. So far I've run with it for 2 days. Playlists are critical- i am still tweaking mine. I'm trying to get it so that right when I finish, Ozzy Osbourne is saying "I am Ironman"

Today I ran around Lake Heath again. I neither fell down nor got tangled up in fishing line.

6.05 miles
9:36 pace

761 calories.

So what's for dinner? 2 peanut butter sandwiches (German dark wheat bread) and a huge glass of lowfat chocolate milk.

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