Sunday, April 15, 2007


Wasted Week

Last week was horrible= I was sick. My hip hurt. Waaaaaaa. Still, managed to swim twice and run 3 times. Total mileage was pathetic but I probably didn't slide too far in my fitness level.

This coming week, I think I will run less, but keep up the 3x a day workouts MON- WED-FRI and then Tues and Thurs just the run. Maybe swim Tues and Thurs if I feel like my hip can take it. I purchased a foam roller (from Target- I love that place) and have been using it relentlessly to the amusement of my family. Even the dog has been smirking at me.

On the brighter side, ever the optimist I've been getting my water carrying devices ready for the warmer weather. I've got a new 70-ounce bladder for my Camelbak and have spotted one that I would like to buy.

My son comes home from school in a couple of weeks; he'll be going to ROTC summer camp in July and wants to lose 25 pounds before then. He's more of a weight lifter than a runner. He weighed in at 202 last week and wants to get to camp at 175. He boxed at 175 lbs and that's probably an ideal weight for him when he includes hour-long runs into his workouts. So he and I will workout together for a couple of months, and I'm really excited about that.

So i'm shooting for 30 miles M-F running, 4 miles swimming, plus 4 days at the weight room. Saturday I'll either do a long run or maybe do the Midtown Classic 5k, since I was sick for the Celebrity Classic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. I have come across your site a few times when I've googled some running items. I am thinking of doing my first tri at Callaway in June, but have never swam for distance. Do you know anyone locally who helps beginners with swimming?