Saturday, July 28, 2007


13.7 miles on the Riverwalk today... 9:10 average pace. Went out too fast for the first half of it and sucked badly the last couple of miles coming in.

Next Saturday I will start earlier ( 5:30am instead of 6:45 am) and go a little slower... as if my 9:10 wasn't already slow! the heat and humidity are pretty tough right now.

I drank as much this week for 13.7 miles as I did last week for the 16-mile run. I ran with Kevin Hicks for the last mile or so, & glad I ran into him. I was having a rough time and talking took my mind off of it.

Starting to get some twinges of pain in my right foot's arch area during the run. Last week it hurt like hell after my run. Using the spenco orthotic during the day and the Sorbothan full rigid arch orthotic during the run. It's helped. Today has been OK so far, just a little pain during the run and then right afterwards. 2 hours later it's OK.

The rough part about arch pain for me is that I have a high arch and roll my feet to the outside naturally. So I'm forced into a stability type shoe situation which feels very unnatural, but provides the arch support I need during my runs. Hopefully it will be over soon and I can go back to my light, cushiony 'supinator' shoes.

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