6.4 miles this morning. Temperature: 75°F with 85% humidity. Again, the full moon and stars made the running pretty nice this morning. Will run 8+ tomorrow morning.
Monthly totals for July: 154.4
Yearly total miles: 784.8
Upcoming in August:
This meteor shower information is copied from Wes Stone's website . I noticed it in my running log, I must've seen it earlier and pasted it in there for the 10th -15th of August.
PERSEIDS meteor shower:
Best viewing window: Sunday evening, August 12, from the end of evening twilight until morning twilight on Monday morning, August 13. Sunday morning, August 12 should also be pretty good during the predawn hours.
The Perseids are probably the most-watched annual meteor shower. The shower has a very long duration, from about July 15 through August 25. The shower is most interesting around its peak on August 12 or 13. This year, the Moon is perfectly placed and will not interfere for several days before and after the maximum. The shower's normal peak time favors observers from eastern North America to western Europe, but everyone should get a good show on peak night.
Predawn rates for observers with truly dark skies may exceed 80 Perseids per hour, with a nice sprinkling of sporadic and minor shower meteors added to the mix. Adjacent mornings from August 10 through August 15 are well worth watching, although rates will be significantly lower (down to 10 Perseids/hour at the extremes).
Perseids are fast meteors and tend to be fairly bright on average. An occasional fireball is seen.
I'm all about the frikkin' fireballs
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