Monday, October 08, 2007


Went to the gym this morning and did weights. Ran 5 miles at lunch, North Marina riverwalk. 80's, about 60% humidity... not too bad.
I've had 3 or 4 incidents recently where various species of wildlife have paced my runs.  About a month ago I was running by the airport and a coyote ran alongside the fence next to me for about half a mile. Then I had an armadillo run in front of me on the Riverwalk for about 30 yards. I had a goose run down the trail in front of me for about 50 yards at Lake Heath. And today, a monarch butterfly stayed right by my side all the way up the hill, so about 1/2 a mile. Just bizarre. I'm thinking either I'm becoming more in harmony with nature, or I probably need to wash my running clothes more often.
Probably the running clothes.  
Plan for tomorrow: wake up on time, run in the early a.m.

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