Tuesday, June 23, 2015

June 23, 2015 Tuesday

I am over my cold & laryngitis but started back easy with a 5 mile run, then push day at the gym:
  • Bench
  • Standing OHP
  • Arnolds
  • Decline Bench
  • Tricep rope pushdown

Shoes: Hoka Bondi 3 with about 750 miles on them
Other gear: testing SPIbelt large pocket size, wondering if we should carry these at the store . I put car/housekeys, iPhone 6 in a ziplock bag, and Driver's License in the SPIbelt and enjoyed using it. Nothing really bounced around and it was very inconspicuous. Felt natural to run with it. I've been carrying my phone/ID for a long time now on my runs & this is an excellent solution. I'll add a video tomorrow.

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