Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Morning Run

Ah yes, the 4:30 am run followed by swimming. Ran 5 miles @ 8:58 pace. A little chilly out there this morning, 75 degrees with 90% humidity... not a lot of traffic on my route but just enough so that I feel like someone would see me if I had a problem. My route is along major roads for the most part. I'm doing 5 miles and then maybe running 5 or 6 again tonight after work.

Here are my splits:
1 9:24
2 7:58
3 9:19
4 9:05
5 9:01

Not sure what the heck got into me during that second mile :-) I ran in the Air Zoom Hayward shoes. WOW what a great shoe. If you liked the Skylon this is the closest to that they come, sort of a cross between the Air Mariah and the Skylon. Light and cushioned. Maybe I'll run in my son's Brooks Beast pair this afternoon just for a change of pace


Lunch Run

Ran 3 miles in hot weather (92 degrees felt like 100) @ 9:34 average pace. Hot hot hot.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


This morning I rode 10 miles on my road bike, which I've been rehabilitating for the past couple of months a little bit at a time. I'm going to start biking 3-4 times a week to add some additional leg work. I plan to get a wind trainer so I can use it indoors this winter.

Candace and I worked at the store today. The Columbus Northern Little League team won the US Little League Championship yesterday and were supposed to play for the International championship today, but the game was rained out. Go Northern!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006


8 Miles on Riverwalk

Beautiful morning here in Columbus!! I did manage to get off my butt this morning and drive to the riverwalk for a 6 mile run. Ended up feeling good and running 8 miles. I think I got there at 7:45 am and didn't see any cars, but once i got on the path I saw a lot of runners and cyclists.

My ITBS seems to be better. I'm doing the stretching exercises and religously avoiding downhill runs.

Here's the run details:

Total time: 1:17:58
Distance: 8.02 miles
Average pace: 9:43
Best Pace: 07:58

Friday, August 25, 2006


Lake Heath

4 miles around Lake Heath after work, followed by .5 mile swim. Luckily the weather cooperated so there was no rain or lightning.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Lunch Run

Ran 4 miles at lunch along the Riverwalk. In the Brooks Beast - a welcome addition to the shoe rotation, which now consists of these shoes:

-Brooks Beast
-Nike Shox 2:40
-Nike Air Pegasus
-Nike Air Zoom Hayward
-Mizuno Wave Rider (my son went to college & forgot them)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


easy 4 miles around Lake Heath

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Been running with a lot of pain in my hip. It started after the long runs a month ago and has been pretty painful. The pain is on my left side, right at the hipbone. It was to the point where I thought I might even have a stress fracture. So I took a couple of weeks off (not easy to do) and did as much research as I could. I found a few sites that helped me figure out that I had ITBS and what I could do to help fix it.

This article in Running Times shows a couple of stretches.

I wasn't really sure I had ITBS until I tried this stretch called the Walt Reynolds ITB Special. It was immediately painful when I tried it. I've been doing it 3 or 4 times a day for the past week and the pain has gone away.

So the major rule for me temporarily: no downhill runs, no running on canted roads where my left leg (which is the hurt one) is downhill of my right leg.

So I'm back in business, running-wise, BUT i thought I was doing OK until I went to a meeting in Atlanta and talked to a guy who runs 7 miles in the morning, then 7 miles again in the evening 6 days a week. He's been doing this for the past 4 months.

So now my revised plan is to run 10 miles per day but to split the runs. Last night I ran 4 miles, and tonight I will run either 4 or 5, depending. Then I'll start adding the morning run. I can easily do 5 miles in the morning on a flat route with no hills.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Monday, Tuesday

Staying in Atlanta for a meeting. 5 miles in Columbus on Monday, 3 miles on the hotel treadmill :-) Tuesday morning.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Easy Run

6.1 miles around Lake Heath this morning. Was in a rush - needed to take the car to Bill Heard for servicing and wanted to get there early. I'll be at Below The Knee today and tomorrow

Friday, August 11, 2006


Running or Walking- which burns the most calories?

I was looking through Runner's World and came across this online article. Bottom line is that running burns more calories than walking; walking fast burns more calories than walking slowly. Click on the link to read the full article.

You can use the formulas below to determine your calorie-burn while running and walking. The "Net Calorie Burn" measures calories burned, minus basal metabolism. Scientists consider this the best way to evaluate the actual calorie-burn of any exercise. The walking formulas apply to speeds of 3 to 4 mph. At 5 mph and faster, walking burns more calories than running.

Your Total Calorie Burn/Mile Your Net Calorie Burn/Mile

Running .75 x your weight (in lbs.) .63 x your weight
Walking .53 x your weight .30 x your weight

Adapted from "Energy Expenditure of Walking and Running," Medicine & Science in Sport & Exercise, Cameron et al, Dec. 2004.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thursday Morning Run

Back to 4:30 am runs

Oddly enough, after running at lunch and in the evenings, it felt cool this morning! That feeling didn't last long though. Warm and humid. I didn't bring anything to drink with me and regretted it.

I ran in the Zoom Haywards this morning, and I loved them. Think new improved Skylon. Awesome shoes. I weigh 185-190 and had more than enough cushioning, even though I'm a heel striker. Lightweight shoes and for me they are a great addition to the pegasus and shox 2:40 i already rotate.

Moving Time (h:m:s) 1:01:48 9:22 pace
Distance (mi ) 6.59
Moving Speed (mph) 6.4 avg. 9.2 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +575 / -630
Temperature (°F) 76.6°F avg. 78.1°F high
Relative Humidity (%) 83.0
Wind Speed ( mph) W 5.8 avg. W 6.9 max.

1 9:37
2 8:55
3 9:20
4 9:12
5 8:56
6 9:59
7 5:45

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Swam 24 laps this morning. I need to get back into the a.m. running and have totally screwed up my schedule. Running at lunch here is crazy. Even at night it's too hot. The morning run is the best time. I'm going to do weights tonight, maybe bike, then set the alarms and try to get out of the house at 4am on a 7 mile run.

My son went off to school again and I found the left Brooks Beast shoe I've been looking for all summer. I'm guessing it was in one of his bags... so I ran in it yesterday and felt a few knee issues resurfacing so I won't run in it again. I'm a supinator, so the Pegasus, Shox, Nimbus etc work much better for me. I can really tell the difference when I run past 6 miles. It's espescially true for me on long runs, since I feel some knee pain accumulating. Shoes are important and even minor motion control tweaks make a big difference. I picked up a Nike Air Zoom Hayward at Below The Knee and will work that one into the rotation Friday or Monday.

There's a nice article in the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer about J.D. Evilsizer, who coaches the Columbus State Cross Country team and the Smiths Station cross country and track teams. He has made a huge impact in this area, winning numerous state championships along with being a great mentor and successful teacher. I ran past him on Saturday morning while I was at the Riverwalk. The CSU runners were going out and I was coming back. I've met JD a lot over the years, and remember lots of times when he drove a big yellow school bus to 5Ks and 10Ks with Smiths Station runners (of all ages) loaded into it. The article couldn't possibly list all the great things he's done for the local running community.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


5 miles@ 9:22 pace pretty warm this morning!

Temperature (°F) 90
Relative Humidity (%) 51.3
Wind Speed (mph) 5.0

Saturday, August 05, 2006


11.2 miles on the Riverwalk. Great weather, didn't really get hot until I was almost finished. Average pace was 10:30 per mile

**sent via Treo**

Friday, August 04, 2006


The hot hot heat
Wow. 4 miles at noon... 98 degrees and humid, I won't try that again!

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Lunch run. About 90 degrees, high humidity. Ran 3.5 miles at the North Marina riverwalk at approx. 10:20 pace. Still having trouble with left leg & hip.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Runner's World just came out with their cushioned shoe review.