Saturday, March 22, 2008


Long run today, 15 miles with Jack at 5:30am. Yesterday I did hills and I could feel it today, so it was a slow and easy pace. Followed the run with my usual shower at the YMCA, then Starbucks, then working at Below The Knee all day today.

2 things: 1, the shower I use at the YMCA is like a hot firehose of water, probably the best water pressure in town and this just voluminous cascade of hot water. Awesome. But 2, I did something really stupid lifting weights the last week in March and it still hurts. The next time I have a brilliant idea like that one, I'm going to attribute it to my Inner Dumbass and just dismiss it. What I did was bend over at the waist, holding 35-lb dumbells, and try to stretch out my hamstrings. What a f'ing idiot move. I immediately sensed that I had done something to my back and stopped, but I've had pain in my lower back ever since then. This morning it was as bad as ever... I thought last week that I had healed.
I will do some swimming this week and I bet that will fix it.

Some races are coming up: The Celebrity Classic 5k on April 19th, then the Midtown Classic on April 26th.

Also, Jeff Galloway is holding a clinic at Below The Knee on April 10th at 6:30PM.

All this information and details about ALL the upcoming local races are available on the Columbus Roadrunners website.

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