Saturday, September 02, 2006


Long Riverwalk Run - 12 miles

Nice run on the riverwalk this morning. I tried to run slowly at about 10 minutes per mile average and came pretty close. I noticed another runner right behind me and before you know it, I was running faster. Total distance: 12.02 miles, average pace: 10:07

Here are my splits:

1 10:19
2 10:15
3 10:07
4 10:01
5 10:12
6 10:32
7 10:31
8 10:53
9 9:48
10 9:11
11 9:34
12 9:59

All in all, a good run. I ran in the Brooks Beasts just to see what they felt like on a longer run. They were fine and I'll probably run this same distance in them again next week.

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