Sunday, September 24, 2006


Chi Running

Of course I have my signed copy of Jeff Galloway's Marathon (which I got him to sign when he was at Below The Knee), but I was talking to a customer last weekend who recommended Chi Running by Danny Dreyer, so I picked up a copy at the local bookstore and have been reading it. I tried it on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and then again tried to incorporate it into my run on Saturday.

So my running style has changed maybe a little? The remarkable thing is that I was not sore at all yesterday after the run, nor today- which is unusual for me. I've had hip trouble off and on for a month or so, and trouble with my left leg (probably related), but I haven't had any of those symptoms today. Looking at all of the variables, maybe I did change my style a little for the better as a result of Chi Running.

I would not do the book justice by trying to condense down into a few sentences what he takes 4 chapters to arrive at, but I do recommend the book.

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