Thursday, September 28, 2006


I keep on tripping
6 miles after work, again at Lake Heath. For the 3rd time in 5 runs I stumbled over something. Luckily I didn't fall but I almost fell and that's even worse, since I probably looked ridiculous and it was in front of people. My legs are still scratched up from the last time I fell.

I know, who cares. At least I'm out there running.

I'm still not sure about this weekend. I ran 12 miles last Saturday, I should do 8 this Saturday but there's a 5K I sort of want to do. I just can't make up my mind. If I do the 5K my weekly mileage will be around 30, that's if I run 3 miles on Friday. If I don't run on Friday, then it will only be 27. If I run 6 on Friday and then 10 on Saturday, then it would be 40 miles.

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