Saturday, September 30, 2006


5K Race in Columbus Historic District

I decided that I would go ahead and run the Historic District 5K this morning instead of running on the Riverwalk. Glad I did. The race was very well organized and I did OK.

24:39 3.24 miles avg pace= 7:37

Here are the mile splits:
1 8:03
2 7:51
3 7:09
.24 6:45

I think I could have run faster, I was a little concerned about running too fast in the beginning. I probably can do 7:20 or so for a 5k maybe a little faster. There's a trail 10K coming up in November that I really want to do, so that's the next race that I"ll definitely commit to.

At any rate, I placed in my age group and here's the new Jeep accessory:

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