Saturday, December 30, 2006



Made it to the Riverwalk for an easy run this morning at about 7:15am, parked & headed south 4 miles out then 4 miles back. My plan is to run 8 today, 8 tomorrow, and 8 Monday, since it's a 3-day weekend. Son Rick can run with me on Sunday. I'll be at the shoe store Saturday and Sunday, so I won't be doing any swimming.

Overcast & 60 degrees, still pretty nice outside. Here are my splits for the 8:

1 10:05
2 9:47
3 9:34
4 10:03 (inc. short bathroom break :-) )
5 9:22
6 9:05
7 9:21
8 8:55
~ 8:42
Total: 8.08 miles, 1:16:51, avg pace = 9:31, 1093 calories.


I think I'm in a rebuilding phase. For one thing it's FREEZING sometimes and I can't motivate myself to run early, which means shorter lunchtime runs. These runs are OK except they are hilly- no big deal but 4 in a row and my legs are pretty tired. I've added swimming and weights to help maintain my fitness level and to prepare for some triathlons this summer. I feel like I'm in great shape but I miss the longer runs each morning.

I've decided not to train for a marathon this spring. I just haven't been able to consistently put in the miles I need in order to run it like I want. My training plan now is to hit about 40 miles a week running, about 4 miles swimming, and then add some biking. We shall see.


Lunch run
5 miles at North Marina riverwalk. Great weather, shorts & singlet... 8:40 pace.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


am: Swam 1 mile

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Cold & Windy Tuesday

Ran 7.5 miles on the Riverwalk. It was in the 40's and windy but not raining.

I used up the very last of my Hammer Gel but got a new bottle for Christmas (thanks Rick!) Also, Candace got my a wedge bag for my bike. I need to get busy on the bike!

Friday, December 22, 2006

This Week

This week:

Sun: Ran 6.2 miles @ Riverwalk
Mon: Ran 5 miles hills , lifted weights
Tue: Ran 3 miles hills
Wed: Ran 3.5 miles hills, lifted weights
Thu: Swam 3/4 mile
Fri: Ran 7.5 miles early a.m., swam 1/2 mile at lunch
Sat: Ran 10.3 miles @ Riverwalk, (son Rick ran 5)

Totals: ran 35.5 miles, swam 1.5 miles, lifted weights 2x

Not too sure what the plan is for next week, since Christmas is Monday.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


64 degrees out!

Couldn't pass it up. Squeezed in a very easy 6.3 mile run at the Riverwalk around noon. Awesome weather. 9:04 pace.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Weekly Post

Last week:

Sun run 5
Mon run 5, swim 3/4 mile, lift weights
Tues swim 3/4 mile, run 5
Wed run 5, lift weights
Thu run 5, swim 1/2 mile
Fri run 5, lift weights

run 25 miles
swim 2 miles
lift weights 3x

I thought I'd take a break from running and try to do some cross training, so I ran less but added the swimming and the weights. Since I am an endorphin addict I will probably try to do all 3 everyday, or at least 2 of the 3. The weather was great last week, in the 60's during lunch, so I ran hills at the North Marina. Rick was home from school and ran with me.

Saturday, December 09, 2006



Ran an hour on the treadmill ; swam 3/4 mile at the pool.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Catching Up Again

DNR Sat,Sun,Mon or Tues. Went to Atlanta for my wife's medical tests on Monday very early in the morning; Tuesday I had to be downtown to do lab tests for my physical, which is coming up.

So this morning I had to run regardless, and I ran 7.23 miles in just a little over an hour, in 29° weather (see Friday's post. how soon things change!), at 4:30 am. So I can throw this morning's run into the Positive Self Image bucket.

Even more PSI stuff: swam 10 laps during lunch.

Friday, December 01, 2006


Great Early Morning Run

Once the pouring rain stopped, I headed out for a run- 4:30 am - and it was just absolutely perfect. 68 degrees, 8mph wind, the roads were wet, no traffic, I had the whole place to myself (mostly)... just awesome. It's supposed to be near freezing tomorrow morning, so I'm glad I enjoyed maybe the last of the warm weather.

7.28 miles
1:05:23 = avg 8:59
average pace = 9:00
1035 calories

Someone was asking me if I was trying to lose weight. I'm not. I'm just trying to be more consistent with my running and my workouts in general. My body fat percentage is going down, but I weigh 180 lbs and vary between 175-180 mostly. I drink the Target store's Weight Loss Shake, usually 2 or 3 each morning since it's a great way to get about 800 good calories evenly spaced out after running. I usually drink 1 at 6am, then on my way to work, and sometimes another 1 around 8 am. The carbs to protein ratio is very good and they are 60 cents each :-)