Saturday, March 31, 2007


Went to the Riverwalk this morning and ran 10.3 miles. 61° on the bank's sign as I reached my parking spot. I think it warmed up a little after that. Lots of cyclists on the riverwalk this morning; a few other runners. The Columbus Road Runners put out Gatorade & water, as usual.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


63° again this morning at 4:30 am. Ran 8.55 miles. Hip feels much better. It's funny how just when you get rid of one injury, another little one starts to crop up. Or if you adjust your stride to accomodate a painful joint, you trigger some other pain... it's just never ending. Or maybe it is.

Swim at lunch, lift weights in the evening.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


7.3 miles this morning. 63° at 4:30 am, 87% humidity. I took it easy, then iced my hip afterwards. This is the same injury I had about this time last year... basically ITBS. I need to be more consistent in my stretching. The worst part of this is since I'm a systems administrator, I spend a lot of time each day sitting in a chair, and when I get up, then the pain is there. I've been trying to spend more time on my feet.

The ice helped a lot- that, and the morphine - but I swam at lunch & did crossfit at night.


hip is killing me- 2 miles around the lake.

Monday, March 26, 2007


68° - wow - this morning at 4:30 am. Ran 8.31 miles. Not sure how I'll work the swim in today.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Mar 26 - April 1

Except for a little nagging hip pain, I think I'm back in the game. I just need to do some stretching to alleviate the hip soreness.

So here's the plan for this week:
AM Run



Saturday, March 24, 2007


Riverwalk Run

Not too many runners out there today, since the ING Atlanta marathon is tomorrow. Still, it was a beautiful morning to go somewhere like the Riverwalk and get a change of scenery from my usual routes. I saw 6 other runners, probably 6 cyclists, and then the MS Walk was starting at Rotary Park this morning at 10 am - I ran past as they were setting up the canopy tents, then saw a lot more tents as I came running back. There were two huge houseboats at the there at the marina, one looked more like a yacht. Very impressive. Lots of boats in the water this morning.

Run time: 1:12:56 = 8:55 pace
Distance (mi ) 8.18
1 9:23 1.00 134
2 8:54 1.00 131
3 9:07 1.00 140
4 9:02 1.00 136
5 8:49 1.00 133
6 8:45 1.00 125
7 9:05 1.00 136
8 8:43 1.00 124
9 1:14 0.14 18
1077 calories

at 7:00am:
Temperature (°F) 57.2°F avg. 59°F high
Wind Speed ( mph) NNE 1.2 avg. NNE 3.5 max.

Friday, March 23, 2007


7.75 miles this morning in 59° @ 4:30 am. I've gone back to wearing the headlamp during the runs. Just a little safer. I was looking at the 10 day weather forecast, and it sure looks like we've turned the corner on all the cold weather. Being able to run in the mornings consistently is critical for me, since it's going to be too hot to run during the day in a month or two.

Lifted weights 3x8 the usual, + abs

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Trying to get my left hamstring back to 100%. Ran this morning, 7.3 miles pretty comfortable pace. I'll just keep that up and stretch the legs after my runs until the hamstring feels oK.

Putting in phones again, Cisco IP phones, & it's taking considerable amounts of time- no lunch, late getting home, etc. Wreaking havoc with my workout plans. The only time I can rely on is EARLY MORNING. Everything else is icing on the cake.

My son Rick is going to ROTC summer camp the first week of July, so he and I will probably work out together from when he gets home until he leaves for that.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


2 crucial workouts: Run & Lift

David Goggins

Dean Karnazes

Thursday, March 15, 2007


8.3 mile run this morning at a comfortable pace. 63 degrees. It's supposed to rain today, so I did my run early- I'll try to get to the pool tonight for a swim workout. 176 lbs before the run. Drank about 25 oz 1/2 gatorade, 1/2 water during the run. Wore shorts, singlet, reflective vest, blinking LED, fuel belt. Nearly hit by a car crossing Whitesville Rd & Veteran's Thruway. Here's the details for run:

Start Time: Mar 15, 2007 4:31:32 AM
Finish Time: Mar 15, 2007 5:44:23 AM
Moving Time (h:m:s) 1:12:52 8:48 pace
Distance (mi ) 8.28
Calories: 1095
1 9:10
2 7:48 oops...
3 8:50
4 8:49
5 8:45
6 8:59
7 9:03
8 8:37
9 2:46

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Swam 1 mile this a.m.; lift weights tonight. Run tomorrow a.m. long


Ran and did abs workout. 5.7 miles at lake heath @ 8:40 pace. It was 70 degrees when I ran after work. Lake Heath is an enjoyable run- I can use my iPod, the trail is kind to my knees, there's shade on hot days, trees break the wind on windy days, etc... it's very nice. Basically a 1.9 mile loop. The only problem is that just as soon as I rely on running there at night, something happens to derail my plans. I think I just got lucky today.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


New week, I'll be better about posting.

Ran this morning. The daylight savings time change has got me all screwed up- last week prepping for it espescially - but I managed to get up and get out the door at 4:30 for a run:

Moving Time (h:m:s) 1:07:10 9:13 pace
Distance (mi ) 7.29
Temperature (°F) 54.8°F avg. 55.4°F high

I didn't really get a lunch at work yesterday, so no swim- but I lifted weights last night.

I think swimming becomes priority 3 behind running and weight training, at least for now. Running in the morning before work guarantees that I can get my run in.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Today's plan: swim, lift, run.

Swam 1 mile 5am: 28:48. I'm concentrating on my stroke more espescially the shoulder roll. 10 years ago I swam 26-minute miles in daily training. I'm not very fast.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Plan today was to swim and run. I got to the pool for lunch and swam 1000 yds; ran 5.7 miles when I got home from work. I'm running in the Asics 2110's now when I run around Lake Heath. I also have a pair of 2120's and will change to those next week. I'm on track to hit 40+ miles this week if the weather cooperates with my evening run plans.


Swam 1 mile this morning at 5am. Was going to run at lunch but opted to lift weights instead, so I drove to the gym and got in a pretty good workout. Not crowded- so I was able to do what I like, which is sets of opposing muscle group circuits, and get back within an hour. After work I ran 6 miles at Lake Heath.

Saturday, March 03, 2007


This past week has been a rest week, basically. I swam 2 miles, ran 21 miles, and lifted weights. Back on track Monday with the usual schedule.