Saturday, June 16, 2007


I'd planned on running 13 miles this morning but felt pretty good, so I just kept going and ended up with 14.2 miles @9:00 avg pace. It was a little warm and I went through all 70 ounces of half water/half gatorade from my Camelbak, but when I weighed myself afterwards I was exactly the same weight as when I left.

I left the 11th Street Riverwalk starting point and ran about a mile before a group run overtook me, and I ran with them for about a mile until they turned around. Kept going south toward Fort Benning. I passed Rotary Park (2 mile point), went over the concrete bridge (3 miles), past the water park (4 miles), past the Water Works (5.2 miles), through the woods alongside the big open area (6 miles), and made it to the golf course before my Garmin beeped 7 miles and I turned around.

There were tons of runners, walkers and cyclists on the Riverwalk today. Lots of people I recognized. One of the coolest aspects of going to the Riverwalk on a Saturday morning is that you'll see a lot of people.

So I've been lifting weights with my son at the YMCA each nighgt for the past 5 weeks, and I've actually gained weight. I'm to 180 now and I started out this month at 174. Feels pretty good!

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