Thursday, September 06, 2007


I've been dealing with a cold for a few days. I bought some Sudafed which didn't help at all, then found out that for the REAL Sudafed you have go ask the pharmacist, since they keep it behind the counter. You have to show ID etc just to buy it. so I went back to Target and got the REAL Sudafed, and it's working a lot better. I'm one of those people who never really get sick, not even a cold, but when I do... I turn into a big wuss. I've already taken another Sudafed, a 500mg Aleve, 2 vitamins, and if I had any Nyquil here I'd probably drink the whole bottle.

So I've been running with a cold and feeling sh1tty. Anyway, I did 6 miles tonight and will do 7 or 8 tomorrow morning.

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