Saturday, November 11, 2006


Long Run

16.5 miles on the Columbus Riverwalk; avg pace = 9:38. calories burned = 2520. This is the longest run I've done in years and at times it was really brutal. I went through 76 ounces of water and ate gels every 30 minutes. Glad I did it and now, a couple of hours later, i feel pretty good. It was 53 degrees and my normal 53 degree clothing was a little warm. Doing it again I would wear a light singlet and a tshirt over that.

1 8:52
2 9:20
3 9:09
4 8:52
5 10:07 (slowed down a bit, i had planned on running a 9:40 pace or so)
6 9:47
7 9:53
8 9:54
9 9:50
10 9:47
11 12:10 (stopped to refill water & repack camelbak)
12 9:24
13 9:25
14 9:16
15 9:23
16 9:12
.48 9:18

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