Thursday, May 10, 2007


Lifted weights with Rick last night. He's a lot more serious about it than I am, but he's got me doing bench presses and incline presses now with free weights. I like that-  normally I just sort of rush through it, since I'm by myself and don't have a spotter. I generally just use the machines. I'm a lot more confident now on the free weights and will probably continue it once he goes off to camp and then back to school.
2 exercises have really helped my running.  The first is the glute-ham situp, which is demonstrated on the Crossfit site.  I linked to that exercise a couple of days ago.  The second is the single leg squat, using just body weight.I've had a recurring problem with hip pain & hip flexor tightness,  and these 2 exercises have helped me a lot.
This morning I managed a 6.5 mile run on my usual route. Nice weather. 60° with a slight breeze. It's supposed to warm up tomorrow morning.
I'm keeping track of Rick's 8 week training, which I'm taking part in, with a record of all the workouts and before and after photos, plus photos every 2 weeks. I'll post it here once he's finished.

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