Thursday, May 31, 2007


7.26 miles this morning. Still a lot of smoke in the air here from the wildfire south of us.

Hydration info: 72°, 65% humidity at 0415. Weighed 174.8 before the run. Wore the fuelbelt with just water, drank 20 oz. during the run, 10 oz. at the pool, then 12 ounces of chocolate milk after that. Weighed 174.8 afterwards.

Yesterday was an unscheduled rest day. I'll probably run early Sunday morning to make up for it.

Today's plan is run, swim and lift.

Started the month at 180.2 lbs, ended at 174.6 lbs. 150.2 miles for the month. I really want to hit 170+ for June.

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