Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday - Long Run Day

"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -Dr. George Sheehan

Took it sort of easy this week & had to deal with one very late night at work.

This morning was a 12 mile run on the Riverwalk. I felt OK but my legs were pretty tight, I should have run more this week. I'll fix that next week.

Thursday night I was up till 3am or so (the time I normally get up every day)working on
************NERD ALERT***************

email servers, blackberry servers, windows sync servers etc after we re-IP'd the machines on our DMZ at work. I got home, lay down on the bed & bingo, there went the alarm.

Needless to say, I missed my 5am weight workout Friday morning. Fell asleep last night about 7pm, woke up at 2am, ran at 5:30am.....

Anyway, I'll be at Below The Knee Saturday and Sunday this weekend.

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