Saturday, July 01, 2006

Long Easy Run

Longest Run of The Year

I took it easy and ran the farthest I've run in over ten years. My goal was 8 miles but I ended up with a little over 10. I've been concentrating on eating properly and getting enough salt, which has helped me eliminate the headaches I get sometimes in the summer. I've been eating smaller meals more frequently, drinking sports drinks instead of water more often, and my snack meals are usually either a power bar or a clif bar. Good deal! Longest run of the year! Next week it will be a mile farther. The best part of the run this morning was seeing the sun come up just as I was finishing.

Total Time (h:m:s) 1:50:31 10:40 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s) 1:50:22 10:39 pace
Distance (mi ) 10.35
Moving Speed (mph) 5.6 avg. 9.7 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +850 / -840

Temperature (°F) 73°F avg. 73.9°F high
Wind Speed ( mph) N 0.0 avg. N 0.0 max.

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