Sunday, July 30, 2006


Long Run

I took some days off to get rid of the pain in my left hip. Not sure what it is...could be bursitis, just irritation from running on pavement, whatever. Pretty painful with every step beginning after last Saturday's run.

So instead of my plan, I decided to wait it out and then run again on Saturday.

Saturday I ran with Rick (he did 5 miles):

9.15 miles, average pace 10:05. Drank 1/2 gatorade, 1/2 water from the camelbak and went through about 65 ounces during the run. Felt good afterwards, even ran the stairs at the end of the run just to impress Rick :-)

So the plan for this week:
Mon: 7
Tues: weights and swimming
Wed: 7
Thurs: weights and swimming
Fri: 7
Saturday: 10
Total: 31 miles

We'll see.

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