Sunday, July 16, 2006


Riverwalk Run and fluid intake
Started at 6:30 am, ran from River Club south until my Garmin beeped 4 miles. They are doing some work near the covered bridge, so there's a detour. Quite a few people on the Riverwalk again. It was about 80 degrees with 80% humidity- I was wearing my bottle carrier and probably drank about 12 ounces of water during the run.

There's a great article in the current Runner's World about drinking fluids during runs. I've run with my Camelback a few times and think I'll switch to that from now on. Probably fill it with diluted Gatorade. I wound up with a bad headache all day after my run and I think drinking more during the run might have prevented it.

Total Time (h:m:s) 1:19:40 9:48 pace
Distance (mi ) 8.12
Moving Speed (mph) 6.1 avg. 8.9 max.
Temperature (°F) 78.5°F avg. 81°F high
Relative Humidity (%) 80.5
Wind Speed ( mph) SW 6.0 avg. SW 6.9 max.

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