Thursday, December 27, 2007


Went to the gym this morning. I must be getting old... Take a few days off and it's like taking 4 giant steps backwards, in terms of my workouts. Sort of. At least in the weight room. I did OK with the bench but really ran out of gas on the ab stuff. No sweat, it will come back. I'll make it up over the weekend.

I'll swim at lunch and then run 6 easy miles tonight after work.

There's a good article on nutrition in Runner's World. The article was published in 2004, but I got it in my inbox this morning. Chris Carmichael, Lance Armstrong's coach and nutritionist, discusses nutrition during high intensity training. Lance was eating 70% carbs during the Tour...

What I do is in way comparable to participating in the Tour de France, yet his carb intake at 70% underscores just how skewed your diet has to be to maintain energy levels for extended periods of time. Low-carb diets? Not for me, thanks.

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