Saturday, August 11, 2007

Hot Saturday

Wow it's hot! 82° and 70% humidity Ran 16 miles this morning on the Riverwalk- started at 5:30am with Jack Winn, who did 12 today. He's training for the Twin Cities marathon.

Hot and humid... but not too bad. Near the Water Works, we had an armadillo running the trail about 10 feet in front of us. He kept up the pace for about 15 yards and then peeled off into the bushes.

I was using my Camelbak Flash Flo and went through it, refilled it at Oxbow Meadows and finished it right at the end of my run. About 90 ounces... I weighed after the run and was down 2 pounds. The CeraSport seems to agree with my stomach... and it's not too bad even at room temperature.

I took it easy because of the heat & humidity but I'm glad I did the 16. I'll do a short run tomorrow morning. Next Saturday I'd like to do 20 again if the weather cooperates. It's supposed to cool off next week :-)

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