Saturday, January 13, 2007


Friday was a Did Not Workout day. Bummer - although the Exchange upgrades went well. There's always some little thing that throws a wrench into the works, in this case the Intelligent Message Filter, but some registry changes and file renaming were just the ticket. So we went from 2003 Standard to 2003 Enterprise, then Exchange 2003 Enterprise SP2. And the blackberry server and the sync server are still working.

Today ran 12 miles, including a mile or so with 3 Army officers who are training for the Albany GA Snickers Marathon Bar marathon in March. I started late and had to be at Below the Knee at 10am, so turned around at 6 miles and came home. I'll try to run early tomorrow morning.

Next week my plan is 7-7-5-7-7-12, we will see how it goes. Weight was 174 this morning before the run.

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