Thursday, January 11, 2007


Slept right through the alarm this morning. Lunch run, 3.7 miles of hills at North Marina. Lifted weights after work.

Plan for tomorrow: ? No clue. I need to do some server upgrades at 4am, if it finishes early I will swim. Hard to say... just roll with it. Maybe I'll run at lunch again- the weather was OK today, and running at lunch is a nice way to break up the day. The important thing for me this week is the Saturday run, which I'd like to see at 12-14 miles.

For you technical people out there, it's an in-place upgrade of Exchange Server 2003 Standard to Exchange Server 2003 Enterprise, so that my company can start adding more Exchange servers... 2 more in the domain within the next 3 months, so that we can have unified messaging at some of our other locations.

So since December I've added swimming and weight training to my normal routine. The difference? I can see that I've lost body fat but my weight has stabilized at about 175. Stronger, more flexible, and less sore after running. Eventually ($$) I will get the bike fixed and work it into the schedule.

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