Thursday, October 25, 2007


Went to the gym this morning and did leg extensions, hamstring curls, and ab exercises. The ab exercises are the Bicycle Crunches shown in this Runner's World video. I do 3 sets of 100 pretty quickly. The leg extensions and hamstring curls will hopefully fix the knee pains I'm getting occasionally. I do the Crossfit glute-ham situps on M-W-F and the bicycle crunches on T-Th-Sa.

Ran 5.5 miles at lunch today, hilly again... it's 5+ laps... on the street by my workplace. You go uphill for about 1/2 mile, then downhill...then uphill, then downhill...

The weather last night was pretty crummy, so it looks like I'll be running on Sunday.

The best news is that I went over 1,200 miles for the year with today's lunch run! I'm at 1,201.78 miles :-)

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