Thursday, November 01, 2007


I revamped my whole morning alarm routine: clock radio, blackberry, treo... all 3 were set, and it worked. The alarm on a Blackberry Curve is very loud, by the way. The effect of all 3 of them was like waking up in a clock factory. Left the house at 4:15 am, walked .2 miles (warming up),ran 7.7 miles, back home by 5:40am to feed dogs, wake everyone, iron my clothes etc. And take a shower :-)

I'll probably get to the gym at some point today to do the leg extensions & hamstring curls. They seem to be helping the vague knee pain I've been experiencing the past few weeks. I'll do some ab and lower back exercises while I'm there. I've been doing the Crossfit ham-glute situps (4 sets of 20+) M-W-F in between bench sets, then I do the bicycle crunches (3 sets of 100) T-Th-Sa.

Beginning bodyweight for November 2007: 178 lbs

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