Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Weight room this morning at 5am. Same as usual, except that I did 5 sets of 20 ham-glute situps instead of 4. And I did 14 reps of 160 on the bench at the end of my 8 decline bench / bench sets.

A little chilly here, in the 30's this morning.

Provided I don't accidentally defibrillate myself in my CPR/Defibrillator class this morning, I'll run at lunch again, the same 5.5 mile route, only this time i'll remember to wear the Garmin in order to get an accurate distance. Lunch runs are the same for me: change in the bathroom closest to the exit door, get to my car, haul ass to the run site, run, then get back in the car, haul ass back to work, shower & change, then get back to my desk. I shoot for an hour total.

I didn't defibrillate myself, the machine was smarter than me. The class was good and our instructor was very good. However, it did include a lunch so I blew off my run until this evening. So I ran 5.6 miles in the neighborhood. 54° here, not so cold, but a far cry from what seems like yesterday when it was hot & humid all the time.

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