Wednesday, November 14, 2007


God Bless Fort Benning 5K - this Saturday

Did some situps in the morning, then ran in the afternoon yesterday. I had my first opportunity to run using my new AirDrive headphones. These are the headphones I've wanted since I first heard about them- they allow you to hear all the ambient noises while still listening to your favorite music. There are a lot of features. I was very, very impressed and will do a complete review on them this weekend.

I don't know what's going on but my normal training runs are sure getting faster. It could just be the is getting cooler...or it could be something else.

A normal Monday, Wednesday, Friday for me:
5am - 35 minute circuit training / weights
noon- 6 mile run
evening - 2.5 mile fast walk

Tues - Thurs:
am: situps, back exercises
noon: 6 mile run
pm: 2.5 mile fast walk

am: 15-20 mile run
pm: 2.5 mile fast walk

no running or weights
pm: 2.5 mile fast walk

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