Friday, November 30, 2007


Plan for Friday:

Gym at 5am for weights & circuit training. Run at lunch. I can't decide whether I'll run near work (5x1.1 mile loop) or go to the Riverwalk and run from Bibb Mill to Phenix City Amphitheatre and back (5.6 miles). It's supposed to be 68° today and sunny... so a lunch run will be really nice. Just need to figure out how much time I have and where to go.

One of the ladies at work did the Couch to 5K program last January and February. She got up to 70 minutes of running over the summer... she still runs 3 or 4 times a week but now she's added some core work with a fitness ball. She has been really excited about the results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have recently moved to the apartments next to the riverwalk and have started to run my dogs there. I was in the army six years ago and haven't been that active since getting out. I would like to find out more info on walkathons and runathons for beginner perferably for a good cause but whatever is good to. Any suggestions? Email me @