Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tuesday - Wednesday

Didn't really do anything on Tuesday... ran 3 miles on Wednesday and lifted weights. I'm getting a lot better at the 'knees to elbows' exercise that I am doing on the pullup bar when I do my strength circuit. I'm able to touch my feet to the bar now on about 5 of 10 reps on each of the 5 sets. On the others, I'm close. I normally start them when I'm doing decline bench, so it's decline bench/knees to elbows/decline bench/ knees to elbows etc for 4 sets, then bench press / knees to elbows for the 5th. After the knees to elbows sets, I start on the glute-ham situps and do 3 or 4 sets of those, sometimes more, of 20 reps.

3 miles pretty easy. Getting excited about the Snickers marathon on Saturday. I keep remembering the line in Running To The Sun where the guy says "I start out with high expectations. I lower them during the race. At the end, I just try not to throw up on my shoes."

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