Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday - USRD

Unscheduled rest day for me. Got busy at work, didn't have time to do anything at lunch, got home late blah blah blah. But I was looking at my training calendar , saw that I run 5 days in a row, and figured that I'd take a one day break. Swim and run again on Thursday.

Joe Friel is one of the TrainingBible Coaching coaches - he published the Cyclist's Training Bible and other books - and he and Adam Zucco have a series of triathlon camps in the US and other countries. He's got a great blog which is worth checking out.

do you lift weights? Here's Joe Friel's take on it. I have lifted weights since the 8th grade, off and on... so more than 30 years for sure. Sometimes that's all I've done, but usually it's part of a bigger effort. Right now I cherry-pick the Crossfit workouts and do a 32-minute circuit training workout 3 or 4 times a week.

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